Bison Fingerprint Trigger Lock
BISON Fingerprint Trigger Lock

Ali R.
“I've been looking for a fingerprint lock for my Glock for a while and finally ordered one when i saw this. It's compact compared to some of the others I've seen. Directions were straight forward and i was easily able to setup my prints. It seems to open in a bit over a second. Much easier than a combo. It fits tight and has rubber coating to protect the frame. I feel much safer knowing that not only is my gun locked from misuse if it fell into the wrong hands, but it is available for it' proper use quickly if needed.”
Joey Lloyd
"Will this lock keep bad guys from taking and using your gun? No. But, that’s not why I bought it. I use my gun for home protection but I have grandkids that visit. My grandkids don’t have picks and are not capable of opening this lock with a pick. The lock opens with my fingerprint consistently. It’s been about five months and I haven’t needed to charge it yet. (I will charge it next month.)”
Hongyang Li
“This lock suits my needs perfectly. I use it for my handgun that I keep on my nightstand. The material is solid and strong and looks expensive. The fingerprint sensor is very sensitive and never failed me so far, and is extremely quick. Easy set up as well, the bison website gives helpful tutorial. Gives me peace of mind that my kids are safe.”
Anthony M. Crotwell
"I keep most of my guns in a locked safe, but for my home defense shotgun, I needed something to secure it, but still be usable quickly. This lock did the trick. I can grab the gun, get my finger on the reader and it drops off almost instantly and I'm on the trigger. Realistically about 3- 5 seconds from grab to fire ready. Fits very snugly and feels secure. Would recommend."